A galactic adventure awaits you!

Metaverse as a Service

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Own your Galaxy

Metaverse As A Service

Virtual environments on the groundbreaking Metaverse platform. From interactive employee onboarding to dynamic customer engagement, our Metaverse solutions are tailored to revolutionize your organization. Experience meetings, events, and collaborations in stunning 3D spaces without any app installations.

  • Host meetings & events in your 3D virtual business environment
  • No app install – experience in browser, PC and VR headset
  • Onboard, train and collaborate with employees from anywhere
  • Companies interact with partners and customers by extending your website
  • Educators create new learning environments for your students

Our expert design & development team will help you create 3D virtual business environments with our
industry-leading web-based metaverse platform.

Meet us in the virtual office

screenshot metaverse office launch

Visit our virtual office. Follow the instructions below and we’re also happy to schedule a meeting in our virtual office and take you through more spaces.

To Visit Our Virtual Office:



Create shopping experiences and enhance your brand by building your own metaverse. Take advantage of effortless 3D model creation, engaging features, and seamless integration into your webshop.


Trade Shows

Enhance user engagement with your virtual or hybrid events. Utilize a virtual event platform, encompassing content delivery, networking, virtual spaces and beyond.


Virtual Labs

Forge immersive 3D learning environments that empower your audience to become product experts, excel in training courses, access research materials, and beyond. Seamlessly manage real-time content.

real estate24

Real Estate

Optimize costs and enhance the quality of your 360° virtual tours and provide customers with immersive tours of your future buildings.


Learn Smart

Create captivating learning environments infused with engaging features to facilitate sustainable knowledge transfer. Elevate motivation and focus by incorporating game-based learning methodologies.


Digital Twins

Amplify your digital footprint by generating 24/7 online access to 3D models of your products. Curate a virtual showroom for an immersive product showcasing experience.


Cultural Tourism

Transform destinations, museums, and festivals, easily and at low cost. Drive local and regional tourism and breathe new life into the cultural sector through immersive digital cultural experiences.

add business

Be a Magnate

Create galaxies at a new level, or go even further and build your own Metaverse. Offer services, rent land and sell digital assets to create a significant revenue stream.



Custom virtual 3D spaces with the ability to jump between your spaces.


Immersive live audio and video chats.
Create unlimited voice zones.


Create your own Ready Player Me avatar or select one we’ve created.


ChatGPT and custom LLM integrations for interactive NPC Virtual Bots


Launch video and audio files and
live presentations. Use Ambient Sounds and Jukebox.


Create any custom interactions for trainings, events, and gamification.


Contact Form Demo (#20)